Event photographer in San Diego, AbounaPhoto, provides professional and affordable shoots for corporate, private and special events. Experienced in hundreds of San Diego event photography shoots at top hotels, resorts, and a variety of event venues, our team of photographers know precisely what’s involved in delivering complete event photography at a very affordable cost. Contact us at andrew@abounaphoto.com or call 619-997-4707 for more information or custom event photography quote.
Principal San Diego photographer Andrew Abouna, together with two associate photographers, have photographed events of all kinds and sizes. The San Diego event photography shoots we have shot have ranged from a dozen participants or with private events with VIPs and celebrities, to multi-day event photography in ballrooms with over 1500 attendees.
One of our goals at event photographer in San Diego AbounaPhoto is to help assure your success. We do this in all of our our San Diego event photography shoots by use multiple cameras and lenses, a unique shooting style, editing of all photos for best appearance, followed by the prompt delivery of first rate event photos. Your event photos will always look great and will be made available in private galleries to share with attendees, as well as being made available for exclusive download. And you always receive full print rights with your event photos.
We are delighted that we have earned dozen’s of 5-star reviews, which we believe is a result of our professional experience, attention to detail, efficiency, prompt delivery of products, excellent value, and our focus on customer service. We are also proud of our client list, which includes:
AACE, Academic Surgical Congress, AeroMedEvac, Allied Buying Co, American Liver Foundation, Antelope Entertainment, Apria Healthcare, Association of Boards of Certification, Association of Pet Dog Trainers, Atkins Global, Bladder Cancer Awareness Network, Chelsea Investco, Clean Air Power, Colliers International, Columbia University, Cope Health Solutions, ConferenceDirect, Coronado Hospital Foundation, Details Details, Discount Tire, Edelman Public Relations, Evans Equipment, EuroCentres, FlavorPill, Flieshman Hillard, HansonWade, Housing and Urban Development, Institute of International Education, IPEG, March of Dimes, Matrix-L’Oreal, MCE Conferences, Mercedes-Benz Financial, NAAMA, National Notary Association, Nerium, NTT America, Octagon, Ogilvy, Ovarian Cancer National Alliance, Patriot One Technologies, Pico Holdings, PLUS Studios, Prudential, Sarah Lee, Quartic Solutions, San Diego Airport Authority, SAGES, San Diego Convention Center, Schneider Electric, SDOF, Seaforth Boat Rental, Space-Time Insight, Susan Davis International, T-Mobile, TradeShowSpecialists, Turnaround Management Association, TWMetals, Union Bank of California, University of Oxford, Value Selling Associates, VH1, VHMA, VIP Incentives, Voit Real Estate, West Coast Incentives, Wig USA, U.S. Navy.
For more information about Event Photographer in San Diego AbounaPhoto, please email us at andrew@abounaphoto.com or call 619-997-4707.