It doesn’t rain too often in Southern California, but when it does we end up with some interesting conditions for a corporate photography shoot. When coordinating with a company like Quartic Solutions, whose team members work across the state, it’s best to take advantage of weather conditions no matter what they are. So in between rain showers, Quartic’s team of nine leading, GIS professionals and myself put together a quick corporate photography shoot in downtown San Diego.
We selected an interesting location that most of us were familiar with, which is a parking structure in downtown San Diego near where some of their government and corporate clients are located. Though it was mid-week resulting in a nearly full parking, the starkness of the parking structure provided a sense of a workday environment. This was OK because a corporate photography shoot like this was geared towards capturing a sense of being amidst a busy, central part of downtown San Diego businesses.
Like any corporate photography shoot, whether in San Diego or elsewhere, the idea is to capture the feel of a company, to create a nicely-produced collection of photos that express about what who they are individually, and most important who they are collectively as a winning team. I think we accomplished these corporate photography goals, despite the weather and perhaps a few constraints of our location.
Featured in this article are some of the individual corporate headshots of each employee of Quartic Solutions, plus a nice variety of corporate team photos which the company can use for the marketing. To see the complete collection of all of the company’s corporate photography shoot in San Diego, please visit my San Diego Corporate Photographer Client Galleries page (password required).
For more information about corporate photography, please contact me.